Tuesday, September 13, 2022

30 Drawings in 30 Days! Part 3

We are in the home stretch now, with only ten days left in my 30 Drawings in 30 Days challenge! Here is the link to the first post, with days 1-10 and a link to the second post with days 11-20!

21. Your dominant hand, drawn with your non-dominant hand (drawn in pencil) I've said before, I picked the prompts because I knew they would actually challenge me! If I wanted to make it easy on myself, I would have picked 30 prompts like "draw a comic of a woman doing xyz..." This particular prompt wasn't just a challenge, but a physical challenge as well! I have to admit though, I'm impressed with the result!

A pencil drawing in a sketchbook of a right, drawn by the artist's non-dominant hand. The lines are drawn lightly and wiggly.
Not too shabby!

22. Draw a lamp (possibly your favorite?) (drawn with pencil) Like Steve Carell, I too love lamp! And while I didn't pick my favorite lamp to draw, this one is my second favorite! 
An pencil drawing in a sketchbook of a floor lamp, with 3 cylindrical shades hanging down.
Nothing snarky to report, it's just a great lamp!

23. A tree or other outdoor plant (drawn with pencil, inked with pens) Last year I planted over a dozen lilies around the base of one of our trees, and they came up beautifully this year! So I picked one of them to draw, with two flowers on top. The drawing is in black and white, but the flowers themselves were pink, with dark maroon freckles.
A pen drawing in a sketchbook of two lily flowers.
#Lilies have been trending in my drawings lately.

24. A still life of fruit (drawn in pencil) I had to Google it to be sure, but an avocado isn't a vegetable - it is actually a fruit! I even used cross-hatching (the technique from an earlier day in the challenge) and am really pleased with the final drawing!
A pencil drawing in a sketchbook of half of an avocado, with the pit still attached.
Avocados are surprisingly fun to draw!

25. A single shoe (drawn with pencil) I chose my daughter's dress-up princess shoe for a subject this time - while my shoes may have more character from use, hers are hands down a lot cuter! ;) 
You just can't go wrong with faux diamond studded shoes.

26. Draw the building you live in (drawn with pencil, inked with a brush pen) I love, love, love house portraits! Seriously, check out #houseportrait on Instagram sometime. It's wonderful. So here it is, chateau McAndrews! I opted for a brush pen and quick strokes for a more impressionistic drawing. I wasn't worried about getting the angles perfect; the feeling of "home" was more important.  
A loose pen drawing in a sketchbook of a ranch style house with attached garage.
My homie.

27. A superhero of your own design (drawn with pencil) My first thought was to design a new Spider-Man, but I had a lot more fun with this one! Introducing Princess Politically Correct, with superpowers of empathy and understanding, multiculturally colored bandages for boo-boos, and reasonably sized heels! 
A pencil drawing in a sketchbook of a female superhero called Princess Politically Correct.
She's not here to save the day, she's here to make sure everyone is included!

28. A non-domesticated animal (drawn with pencil) We were so excited when the Henry Doorley Zoo in Omaha had two baby elephants born around the same time, so why not draw one of them for this challenge? Fun fact: elephants are the only animals with four knees.
A rough pencil sketch of a young elephant.
That baby weighs more than my husband!

29. A self-portrait but dressed up (drawn with pencil) This prompt is the opposite of the prompt for Day 2 (a self-portrait in pajamas.) I was originally planning to draw DC in a long, sparkly evening gown, but instead I chose a work uniform for her - because I had recently been hired at a bank (after 5 years of being a stay-at-home-mom) and I was so excited I just had to draw it!
A simple cartoon pencil sketch in a sketchbook of a woman excited about working in a corporate office.
Anybody got any good accounting jokes? Leave them in the comments below!

30. Something anime style (drawn with pencil, inked with pen) We made it, number 30! I know this one isn't for everyone, but I started drawing anime-style characters back in high school and I will love anime until the day I die. Drawing this, I thought about my teenage self who wished for nothing more than to draw like this back then. Patience, my younger self, because practice makes perfect and you'll get there!
A simple line drawing of a woman walking her dog, drawn with pen in an anime style.
She's walking her dog!

We made it to the finish line! Again, here is a link to days 1-10, and here is the post with days 11-20.

I'm not sure I really learned anything (except that avocados are fruit) but the practice and the process was a lot of fun. The most unexpected result was that my Facebook page blew up! Well, blew up for little ol' me, at least. I ended up with over 25 more followers/likes. The most popular drawing, by a landslide, was my terrible portrait of Jessica Alba... it had over 1,500 clicks and 22,600+ organic views. 😂 Not my finished paintings or drawings I put hours of effort into, oh no, I go viral for a bad portrait!

Would I do this challenge again? Absolutely! Every single year? Maaaaaybe not. I think one challenge a year is enough for me, and in 2023 I'm thinking about jumping back on the Acrylic April bandwagon. The next 30 Drawings in 30 Days challenge will have to wait until 2024 or beyond. Who knows, maybe I'll do a 30 Portraits in 30 Days challenge and really blow up the internet.

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